VALVE SEAT CUTTER KIT. KAWASAKI, HONDA, YAMAHA, SUZUKI. MODERN BIKES HARD VALVE SEATS. CUTTER SIZES AS UNDER. 45 DEGREE ANGLE CUTTERS :- 1.1/2″, 1.5/16″, 1.1/4, 34 MM, 32 MM, 31 MM, 30 MM, 29 MM, 28 MM, 27 MM, 26 MM. 25 MM, 24 MM, 23 MM, 22 MM, 21 MM, 20 MM. 70 DEGREE ANGLE CUTTERS – 1.1/2, 28 MM, 25 MM, 23 MM. VALVE GUIDE HONE REAMER HSS – 7 MM, 5.5 MM, 5 MM, 4.5 MM. GUIDE STEMS – 5.5 MM, 5 MM, 4.5 MM 7 MM. ARBORS + DRIVE RODS. FEEL FREE TO ASK ANY QUESTION. Carbide Tipped Valve Seat Cutters that are acclaimed widely for optimum performance for longer periods than high speed steel tools. These are made from the finest-grade of carbide that is procured from the leading vendors of the industry(e;i WEDIA, KENNAMETAL) and are robustly designed. We use cutting-edge technologies state of art CNC control machines to manufacture these tools that are available in a wide array as per the requirement of customers at leading industry prices. We are the manufacturers and exporters of Diamond and carbide cutting tools Such as Engine block re boring bar bits for all international brands machines, Solid carbiide reamers, solid carbide pilots for serdi and van norman valve seat cutting machines, gas valve seat cutting tools and cutters, Diamond wheels, diamond dressers etc our products are highly reliable and. We believe in offering excellent products & service to our customers. Feel Free To Ask Any Question.