VALVE SEAT CUTTER KIT CARBIDE TIPPED. DIESEL & PETROL ENGINE HEADS. TO CUT CASTIRON, HARDENED STEEL SEATS, SETTALITE. VALVE RE SEATING KIT. 30 DEG 45 DEG 60 DEG. Must For vintage classic and modern cars, trucks, big block Small block diesel and petrol engines. VALVE SEAT CUTTERS CAN BE USE FROM BOTH SIDES FACE AND DEGREE. Contents :- (27 x cutters Heads). 1 3/16″, 1 1/4″, 1 5/16″, 1 3/8″, 1 7/16″, 1 1/2″, 1 9/16″, 1 5/8″. 1 11/16″, 1 3/4″, 1 13/16″, 1 7/8″, 2″, 2 1/8″ – 45 Degree. 1.3/16″, 1 5/16″, 1 7/16″, 1 3/4″, 1 7/8″, 2″, 21/8 – 30 Degree. 1.1/4″, 13/8″, 1.1/2″, 1.5/8″, 1.3/4″, 2″ 60 Degree. 6x Stems metric size 6 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm, 8.5 mm, 9 mm, 10 mm. 4x Stems inch size 11/32″, 3/8″, 5/16″, 7/16″. 1/2x UNF TAP. We can also produce cutters as per costumer requirement. Feel Free To Ask Any Question.